In this section, we will learn how to calculate non-magnetic electronic properties such electronic band structure and density of sates in Wien2K.
Lets make a directory test
If you have or want to have different directory than me, then just replace test by name of your current directory. Note symbol '$' means it is command, run it on terminal.
Let's begin!
$ makdir test
$ cd test
$ makestruct_lapw ! while creating struct file I am taking TiN
Title: test
Spacegroup or lattice:L test
Lattice Type: F
Unit: A
Lattice length: 4.235
NEq atoms: 2
1st:Ni 0.0 0.0 0.0
2nd: N 0.5 0.5 0.5
RMT reduction:2 and then return: n
$ cp init.struct test.struct
If you have cif, you can do this also using $cif2struct test.cif
Run the command
$ init_lapw -b -numk 5000 -vxc 13 -rkmax 6.0 -ecut -7.0
! or for new version of wien2k
$ init_lapw -b -hdlo -vxc 13 -ecut -7.0 -numk 1600 -rkmax 6.5 -lvns 6 -gmax 16.0 -fftfac 2.0
$ run_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.001 -NI
$ save_lapw -d pbe
$ clean_lapw
! get test.klist_band using xcryden
$ x lapw1 -band
$ x lapw2 -band -qtl
$ grepline :FER 'test.scf' 1
$ x spaghetti # it will create soc.insp file
! insert fermienergy for this:
$ vi test.insp
! look for x.xxxxxxxxxxxx and replace it by actual Fermi energy pressing key 'i'
press key 'Esc', then shift+; and type wq to save and close vi editor
$ x spaghetti
! plot the band structure with plotting tool
$ xmgrace test.bands.agr
$ save_lapw -band -d pbeband
$ vi test.in1 ! set larger value of Emax 3.0 (opional sometime)
$ x kgen ! Set denser k-mesh
$ x lapw1 ! steps 1-3 are not required for direct dos calculation after scf run and start from 4 but remember if you are calculating after band calculation do steps 1-3.
$ x lapw2 -qtl
$ configure_int_lapw ! select different orbitals
$ x tetra
$ dosplot2_lapw
$ save_lapw -dos -d pbedos
! Note that it is better to calculate DOS before band structure. If DOS is done first then we dont need steps 1 and 2 but if did it after band calculation then steps 1 and 2 are mandatory.
In this section, we will learn how to calculate magnetic (Ferromagnetic) electronic properties such electronic band structure and density of sates in Wien2K. I am explaining by taking NiO as an example. I recomend to go trhough #1
$ makdir NiO
$ cd NiO
$ makestruct_lapw !(L,F,A,4.186,2, Ni=0,0,0 and O=0.5,0,0)
$ cp init.struct NiO.struct
$ init_lapw -b -numk 5000 -vxc 13 -rkmax 6.0 -ecut -7.0 -sp
Note here -sp flag is for magnetic calculation
$ runsp_lapw -ec 0.00001 -cc 0.0001 -NI
$ save_lapw -d pbe_fm
$ clean_lapw
! get NiO.klist_band using xcryden
$ x lapw1 -band -up
$ x lapw1 -band -dn
$ x lapw2 -band -qtl -up
$ x lapw2 -band -qtl -dn
$ grepline :FER *.scf 1
$ x spaghetti -up # it will create soc.insp file
$ vi NiO.insp ! insert fermienergy into NiO.insp
$ x spaghetti -up
$ x spaghetti -dn
! plot the band structure with plotting tool
$ xmgrace NiO.bandsup.agr NiO.bandsdn.agr
$ save_lapw -band -d pbe
$ vi NiO.in1
$ x kgen ! Set denser k-mesh optional
$ x lapw1 -up -p ! optional but do once if you are doing after band calculation
$ x lapw1 -dn -p ! optional but do once if you are doing after band calculation
$ x lapw2 -up -qtl -p
$ x lapw2 -dp -qtl -p
$ configure_init_lapw ! select different orbitals
$ x tetra -up -p
$ x tetra -dn -p
$ dosplot2 -up ! chose for dn too
$ save_lapw -dos -d pbe
! Note that it is better to calculate DOS before band structure. If DOS is done first then we dont need steps 1 and 2 but if done after band calculation then steps 1 and 2 are mandatory.
! Note that just remove -p flag for non-parallel calculation.
$ makdir soc
$ cd soc
$ makestruct_lapw
$ cp init.struct soc.struct
$ init_lapw -b -numk 5000 -vxc 13 -rkmax 6.0 -ecut -7.0
$ run_lapw -p -ec 0.00001 -cc 0.0001 -NI
$ save_lapw -d pbensco
$ initso_lapw
! Note set magnetisation along 0 0 1 direction and continue set up with default initialisation and spin-polarisation N.
! Increase Emax in soc.in1
$ run_lapw -p -so -ec 0.00001 -cc 0.0001 -NI
$ save_lapw -d pbesoc
! get soc.klist_band
$ x lapw1 -band -p
$ x lapwso -p
$ x lapw2 -band -qtl -so -p
$ grepline :FER *.scf 1
$ x spaghetti -p -so # it will create soc.insp file
! insert fermienergy into soc.insp
$ x spaghetti -p -so
! plot the band structure with plotting tool
$ xmgrace soc.bands.agr
$ save_lapw -band -d socband
$ vi test.in1 ! set larger emax around 3
$ x kgen -p -so ! set denser k-mesh
$ x lapw1 -p
$ x lapwso -p
$ x lapw2 -so -qtl -p
$ x tetra -so -p
$ configure_init_lapw
$ x tetra -so -p
$ dosplot_lapw
$ save_lapw -dos -d socdos
! Note that it is better to calculate DOS before band structure. If DOS is done first then we dont need steps 1 and 2 but if done after band calculation then steps 1 and 2 are mandatory.
Uploading soon other properties Optical and Thermolectric
#2. Magnetic Calculation
Creating structure, Initialization, and SCF calculation
Band structure calculation
TDOS and PDOS calculation
#3. Inclusion of SOC (Non-magnetic)
Creating structure, Initialization, and Running calculation
SOC band structure calculation
SOC TDOS and PDOS calculation